
Purpose-built, Tailored Training.

GymOdyssey; “The Epic Unsung Voyage To One’s Best Physique & Fitness.”

In the Odyssey, Odysseus had a single precise goal, to Return home with his crew. However, the gods made it obvious to him that this would not be easy and they would not be in his favor. This develops many upheavals of fortune for Odysseus and his crew during their voyage home. Nonetheless, Odysseus and his company would voyage onward, arising to any deterrent in their path as a necessary test of their drive to get back home. Sure to say, by the time Odysseus completed his odyssey and ultimately returned home he wouldn’t be the same man, instead he would return from his voyage stronger, mentally and physically, with a different perspective of the world and it’s many challenges that come to test him, he would arise to them with solace, after all, they’re nowhere near the monsters he had slain to return home.

 “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for its not the same man” ~ Heraclitus

A GymOdyssey is conceptionally parallel, you decide on a purpose you yearn to fulfill so commences your odyssey In the gym towards your chosen training purpose, this odyssey will never be a stroll in the park and often you will face your own upheavals that arise, personal demons you will have to slay, and certain slighter feats along the way you must first arise to in order to reach your end goal or purpose. ~Anyone who’s undertaken a fitness goal of the slightest bit can relate to this cycle, but those that have attained their goals note at the end of it, they developed the habitual and perspective changes that come with conquering all of those undertakings, mentally and physically they prevailed. Those who did not plainly couldn’t overcome the sudden changes in fortune that come with it.

“If a man knows not which port he sails, no wind is favorable” ~ Seneca

More importantly, they didn’t know-how. GymOdyssey creates purpose-built, tailored training for purpose-driven individuals. That mentor them 100% of the way as efficiently and effectively as feasible towards their chosen training purposes. We all train for a particular purpose, yet not every method works for us due to several factors like our surroundings, schedules, preferences, obligations, needs, and more. Therefore we proudly formulate our programs to be entirely and uniquely tailored towards you and your immediate factors revolving around you. We will ultimately unravel the muscle building and fat-scorching questions you are always trying to decipher together. So at the end of your program not only have you fulfilled your chosen training purpose you have acquired all of the essential tools and habitual alterations to stay on track and maintain that progress in the future.

“How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?” – Epictetus



  • Completely tailored purpose-built routine drafted from your initial assessment and updated weekly/bi-weekly
  • Completely tailored nutritional guidance updated and assessed weekly/bi-weekly through macro coaching, or meal plan’s with delicious meal menu recipe’s completely tailored for your goals, needs and lifestyle
  • Champion habit coaching, so you have the habits to make your progress everlasting and congruent with your lifestyle and ultimately the mindset of a champion
  • Video/hybrid sessions to master your exercise form and technique
  • 100% MONEY BACK GUARAUNTEE: If NO RESULTS are present AFTER the DEDICATED COMPLETION of your program, we will gladly give you back EVERY PENNY


  • Eat the foods you ENJOY while getting results you LOVE
  • Finally feel and look HERCULEAN and CONFIDENT
  • Spend LESS time in the gym and MORE time free with your family, work, friends, school or hobbies
  • Feel HERCULEAN and CONFIDENT with your physique!!!

Please note~ Spots for online coaching fill quickly and are limited, to ensure every client receives the upmost best service and results we only take on 10 trainees at a time, once the spots are reserved that’s it.


Done With You 1:1 Online Physique Transformation with your own private app, where you can access your tailored workouts, meal/macro plans, coach contacts, habit coaching, instructional guides and much more.

Done For You Stand alone programming, after an initial assessment you will receive a printable regimen which includes individualized workouts and meal plans.

Hybrid Physique Training, LOCATION DEPENDANT; If you live in the MI Metropolitan area ask about our 1:1 hybrid physique training, (Includes x3 Weekly In Person personal training sessions at your gym or home, online training app with alternating daily meal plans, instructional videos, specialization workouts and more.

Embark On Your GymOdyssey Here

Do you wish to reserve a spot?(required)

Please note~ Spots for online coaching fill quickly and are limited, to ensure every client receives the upmost best service and results we only take on 10 trainees at a time, once the spots are reserved that’s it.


What happens after I submit an inquiry?

Please allow 24 hours for a coach to reply back to you, after that, they will then discuss the best approach towards your goals, and the different plans we can take to obtain them.

How do I download my training app?

After the purchase of any training program, please allow 24-48 hours for your coach to construct your program and or app, afterwards you will receive your very own private login details and download link or your done for you program via email.

Is specific equipment required?

No, your coach will build your plan based on the equipment you have available.

Who Is This For?

GymOdyssey is a perfect solution for anyone looking to be big and herculean, clients typically are males with aspirations of looking like bodybuilders or men’s physique competitors.

How much does this cost?

Prices typically start around $60 and vary based on a trainees individual goals, program needs/requirements, experience and plan options. Your coach will help you construct the most realistic plan for you based on the details you discuss with them.